For those who have seen the film, I am hoping that you loved it. And for those who did not, I urge you to see it. All the painful details aside, the movie is about an eccentric family who makes a road trip on their van to California after the youngest child gets accepted as a contestant into some beauty pageant. The trip in itself is the meat of the film, and I commend the movie creators for being able to squeeze in much insight and quirky humor in such a limited plot.
Little Miss Sunshine is one of the few middle budget films to come out of the silver screen. Today's film industry is polarized between creating high profit and high budget blockbusters and popular sequels, and the really low budget films which can reap huge profits (Blair Witch Project comes to mind). This is indeed a not-so fortunate trend, but of course, corporations only aim to please the consumers. What we demand is what we get. I hope everyone would see Little Miss Sunshine. Let us give medium budget films a shot. Trust me, they're worth our time.
Little Miss Sunshine main website
Buy it on DVD
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