As most of you have already seen, The Dark Knight was awesome movie. So i guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea to cash in on all that success by creating yet another sequel, right? But what will they do with the Heath Ledger's character "The Joker"? Will they cast another character for the part, or write out the joker completely? As you know, the upcoming movie The Dark Knight will feature Batman battling it out with the Joker and Two Face. The original plan was to have the Joker, played by Heath Ledger, return for the next film. However, given that after his death they more than likely won't recast for the role, some changes have been made and the next villain has been revealed. If another Batman flick is made, he will then be going up against the Riddler. The last Riddler was played by Jim Carrey in Batman Forever, though no word on if he'll return. More likely than not - he won't. Actor Gary Oldman, who plays Lt James Gordon, says of casting choices for the next film, "I don't see why not. I mean, they did it with Katie Holmes' character. I understand that this is a different circumstance, but I think another actor could do the job. I think Heath would want another actor to do the job. Maybe we don't need the Joker. Because we'll have The Riddler." Katie's character, Rachel Dawes, will now be played by Maggie Gyllenhaal. You know Katie is too "big" now for a Batman movie.
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Featured Product: Batman Forever DVD from Bayho
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