I dont know abotu the rest of you but I love Christina Aguilera's new song and her new look too. But I couldn't help to wonder, "Doesn't she look a lot like Lady Gaga"? Maybe Lady Gaga inspired Xtina in some way. If i were Gaga, I would be extremely flattered. Lady Gaga even made the statement to Blender mag:
"A lot of people have been saying that she is copying my style with her new song. I guess it bares somewhat of a resemblance but I wouldn't say she is copying me. This type of dance music is becoming more popular and I don't blame her for wanting to make and perform it. Her performance was great and it's (Keeps Gettin Better) a hot track."
But the statement is no where to be found on the Blender website. The only place you can find it is on Christina Aguilera's fansite. Hmm, coincidence? I think not! Probably some crazy Xtina fan made up the statement in order to separate Aguilera from Gaga.
Well now Christina herself is speaking out about Lady Gaga and the "rumors" surrounding the two of them, things got real ugly. Chrisitina Aguilera said in an interview to LA Times:
"What did you say to those on the Internet who are hinting that you borrowed Lady Gaga’s look?
You know, that’s funny that you mention that. This person [Lady Gaga] was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect."
Ouch! The claws are out!
The picture above is of Lady Gaga released sometime in March/April.
The picture below is Xtina, released in October...
The resemblance is just too much deny Xtina!
Original Article from Stylelist
Featured Category: DVD Drama
Featured Product: Georgia Rule DVD
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