It's that time again! You know, the lights, the trees, the bells, the snow, the music, the fat jolly man with all the gifts, it's Christmas time! I love Christmas. In fact, I love all the fall/winter holidays, Halloween, Thanksgving, Christmas and New Years. I may be one of those annoying people who seem to always celebrate too early. People have there reasons for enjoying the holidays. Mine may not be too far off from others. I love spending time with my family, I love the food, the decorations. It always seems like when that time comes around, people get busy(but in a good way). They suddenly have to think about others and what gifts to buy. Uh-oh, suddenly all the holiday cheer stops. Buying gifts means spending money, spending money means grouchy people, and grouchy people equals no Christmas spirit.
This year, it is no suprise to anyone that the economy is in trouble. Talks of recession, unemployment rates at record highs, homes being foreclosed left and right, Christmas may be the last thing on people's minds. In an article by Dan Schaeffer, "In Search of the Christmas Spirit," he writes about a man who looks for Christmas Spirit at the Christmas tree lots, but all he found were mortgage bankers looking for trees for their office. The man continues to look for the Christmas spirit at the local mall. His search leads him to a mall employee. And she tells him, "It's in your Heart. It's warm and can't buy it at any store. It's in your heart."
When did Christmas become so commercial? When did department stores and newpapers adds take over? And why have we allowed them? I want to bring back what Christmas was about. Family time, hope, faith, and good spirits and kinds hearts. As a child I enjoyed watching the holiday classics on TV like Roudolph the Red Noise Reindeer, Santa Claus is coming to Town, and Frosty the Snow Man. I even remember the Calico Cat. Now, it's all about the dysfunctional family getting together at Christmas time. To me it gets old, all the fighting the hating. Movies are suppose to take you away from reality, not remind you of it. Especially during the holidays. Show me the magic, the snow, the reindeers, the warmth and love! Bring back the Classical Christmas!
Main Article
Category: DVD Christmas
Featured product: Frosty the Snowman/Frosty Returns
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