I remember when I watched Spirited Away, it was many years ago, and I was visiting a family friend with my parents. My dad's friend, noticing my boredom, asked my sisters and me enthusiastically, "Want to see a really good movie?" I wanted to say not really, but I knew better, and agreed. The movie he put in was titled, "Spirited Away." And despite my young age and lack of knowledge on graphic arts, I was captivated by the story and the pictures.
After finishing the entire movie, I had no idea what a popular movie I had watched until years later, when I became intersting in graphic arts for myself. Spirited Away is a Japanese film and according to cnn.com had the biggest opening weeekend for a movie in history for Japan. That is quite an achievement and if you like animation and fantasy type movies, watch this movie, and you'll see why it was such a hit. Spirited Away took four years to make and was critcally acclaimed by critics and the public. Japanese Anime is well known for it's graphics but it's storylines tend to dissapoint. The animator, Hayao Miyazaki, strives to break this pattern.
The famous maker, Hayao Miyazaki, orginally targetted Spirited Away for young girls,but it's impressive animation and captivating story lines have now captured the interest of teens and adults. Miyazaki reputation and films have even spread to other parts of Asia and France. Miyazaki seem to have earned and proved himself a worthy animator. "Where does he rank among Japanese animators? He's probably the greatest in Japan," said Freddie Wong, president of the Hong Kong film critics' society.
Orginal article
DVD Anime
Miyazaki's Spirited Away
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