Last night and I rented and watched Nights of Rodanthe, staring Diane Lane and Richard Gere. These two people, despite their age, are two of the sexiest people you can find on the big screen. I could write an article on Diane Lane but that can be saved for another day. Today, Richard Gere is my focus. The first time I watched him was when I watched, Pretty Woman. My interest was captured immediately, with his smooth personality and calm, confident demeanor. Although I enjoy his acting and his movies, I never took an interst in his biography. I guess I was afraid of finding some odd facts like I do with many other celebrities I'm interested in.
However, my curiosity can't be denied and so I read his biography. I was plesantly suprised at my findings. Richard Gere is extremely focused on his career and uses his celebrity status to promote his political beliefs. According to, Mr. Gere "is a devout Buddhist." He is deeply involved with the struggles surrounding the Dalai Lama and the struggle for human rights. Who can't be impressed with that?
His character in Nights of Rodanthe wasn't a dissapointment either. After reading his biography, his character seem to call out to him even more. If you've seen Richard Geere's other movies, then you can expect to see the same womanizer Gere in Nights of Rodanthe as well. Although they are older than other characters in your typical romance movie, don't let age be factor, Richard Gere and Diane Lane perfectly portray two individuals in love. And Richard Gere once again makes you believe there is that one person out there that can give you that love you've always dreamed of.
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DVD comedy
Runaway Bride
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