i dont know about you guys... but i happen to love Britney spears. ive loved her since i was little and i love now. remember when she ws being attacked by the media. yuupp i always felt so bad and stood up for her( to my sister whose a hater hahah) anyways. as we all know she recently had a new album( cirucs) of course i did purchase this album and i happen to love it very very much just like all her other albums haha. anyways i really like the song " if you seek amy" i think its super catchy and im glad thats her new single... although on the radio its "if you see amy"
we all know that Britney can be very .. welll sexual in her songs.. so i was listening to all her songs one day on my zune.. and i noticed somehting.. all her songs arwe basically about having sex or wanting to have sex.which is fine .. i mean i dont have a problem with it. i actually think its pretty clever the way she fits them in because you would really have to listen to the songs over and over to actually get it. so a few months ago when the cd came out and i was listening to " if you seek amy" i noticed.. that she says " all the boys and all the guys are begging to F ** K me" hahah not if you seek amy.. and i thought well ... thats clever haha anyways not to bag on britney because i think shes abousletly amazing.
i really want to see her in concert.. i would literally die if i could go see her i havent been able to see her since her opps i did it again tour and now more then ever i really want to see her.. so for those who are going let me just say that i am extremely jealous. haha gbut take lots of pictures because its usppose to be amazing!
soooo exciting :]
original post.
bayho/music features.
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