I'm sorry, I barely got into the Twilight scene like last week, and frankily this dude is on my wall paper! haha Edward is such a great character, but I heard he will NOT be in New Moon. I freakin hope so! haha I think it's one of the great scientific characters/ movies I've seen in along while. ahh haha I really do believe that Edward belongs to me. haha just kidding! I think that every girl will be in love with this movie. I wish my boyfriend could be more like him, and dress like him as well! haha Look, we're not the first people to break it to ya that Robert Pattinson's a dirty boy, so stop blubbering to us that your precious pinup dude doesn't reek at times. Jeez.
Robbie himself said he often goes weeks without washing his greasy locks. Did he think that admission would keep some of his rabid fans away? Yeah, right. None of them can (or want to) believe R.P.'s smelly status. Don't they know not every heartthrob comes as clean and sparkly as Zac Efron?
But then, Zac ain't exactly...
...as squeaky clean as everyone thinks—far from it. We're about to see more of that boy's naughty side, I assure you. Why the hell do you think he's getting out of the wholesome-musical biz? These things don't just happen by accident, trust.
Back to the robust Robbie:
R. Pattz has gone and defended his hygiene by claiming he hadn't stepped foot on the New Moon set when our story broke. Like that matters? Uh, we never stated this was stuff that was going down right this sec in Canada, though that's precisely where everybody's now freshly arrived.
See, our smell sources on Moon spent months working with R.P. and the rest of the neck-biting gang on the first flick, too (and hanging since), and they're bitching from way back then, plus from au courant press touring and lung-killing partying.
Maybe Rob's rinsed and repeated in the secs since?
Perhaps, since Patty also says he does, in fact, shower. Might we hop in? Don't tempt us!
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Category: DVD Action Adventure
Featured Product from Bayho: American Gangster
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