Angelina Jolie has said recently in the vanity Fair that she has not yet decided who to vote for this year, but that Democratic nominee Barack Obama seems to align with her views. The actress said that she finds Obama's stances regarding intervention in cases of genocide and closing Guantanamo Bay as favorable. Jolie also added that "Barack Obama would be nice for [her] family.(AP)" and that the Illinois Senator happens to agree with her on some issues. This non-endorsement praise by Angelina Jolie probably won't send the McCain campaign campaign packing, but it does prove that Obama has really taken the country by storm. Is that enough reason to elect him? Well, I leave that up to you. My political beliefs need not be exposed here. All I hope is tha people won't vote for anyone based on personality and media-savvy. Both McCain and Obama have something going for them in terms of character and charisma, but the whole election boils down to whether any of them has the right solutions for the country. And just like Ms. Jolie, I've yet to give my support to either Obama or McCain. And I will remain undecided until either of them set aside political rhetoric and actually propose solid solutions.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081011/ap_en_mo/people_jolie_obama;_ylt=Agkl3vPLSYxqpOHU0OB7NudxFb8C
PHOTO SOURCE: http://dailyshow.ru/idb/angelina_jolie_13.jpg
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