Remember all those rumors that Shia LaBeouf might end up taking over from Harrison Ford as the new Indiana Jones? Ford put a nail in the notion of that coffin in an interview, and there is no way is he giving up his hat to a kid.
Ford says that not only are there no plans to transition the franchise to Shia in the future and, “that's never been [the idea]. As George has famously said, we'd have to call it 'Mutt Jones: The Search for Elvis.' [Laughs.] I think it just doesn't work that way.”
Indiana Jones is a classic adventure. It has been out for the longest time, and with Shia LaBeouf in it now, it does add a little spice. The old and new adventures are anticipated by the public and loved by the viewers. However, it does not mean it should be changed to ruling out the man and star of movie.
Unfortunately, that probably does not mean the franchise won’t still go on, just with more of the aching, creaking, increasingly CGI’s Harrison Ford in his traditional role. Given the choice between Mutt Jones and the Search for Elvis or Indiana Jones and the Colostomy Bag of Doom, we might all have been better off if they’d gone with Mutt Jones. At least Mutt does not wear comfortable, sensible, static-free grandpa pants.
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Featured Article: American Gangster by Bayho
Category: DVD Action Adventure
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