As a Filipino, I've heard a lot of things about Mariah Carey against Filipinos or generally speaking ASIANS. I'm not that offended though, because I personally don't know her. And I wouldn't stop listening to her music because of it. But does she fight her own racist battles? There are tons of articles stating that people forget that she's half Irish and half African American. Yet I think that she's being a hypocrite saying that people are sometimes ignorant. How could she possibly say that when she offends another race. I think that's very contradicting of her to say that especially having it on articles. I think that someone should put her on check too. Maybe this is karma for what she said and what she called Asians or Filipino (still not verified)"Brown Monkeys" reports that Mariah Carey often has to scold people for making racially insensitive remarks. The singer, whose mother Patricia is Irish-American, and late father Alfred Roy was African-American said, “I’m in a room a lot of times with only white people, and they forget and say things that are offensive - and I have to put them in check. And I’m sitting there and I’m thinking I’m either going to have to leave or I’m going to have to talk about it. After travelling the world, I think racism, or ignorance, is everywhere. It’s in the US, Italy, France. Even in certain Latin American countries, where it’s a very mixed society.”
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